Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Ramsical Life Style of the Loring's!

Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows how OBSESSED I am with Dave Ramsey's teaching on money:

 I would love to say I have never made a mistake following is Baby Step Plan to financial freedom- but habits die hard. :o) Especially when you're trying to do it-
 1st while in college,
2nd planning a wedding,
 3rd moving cross country,
4th moving BACK cross country,
and 5th having a baby.
We have had set backs- but also major triumphs on our financial journey.
(Which I will talk about more later.)

Dave has these great classes you can take called Financial Peace University. In the kit you get one of his staples in your financial conquests- a money envelop wallet. Now, his money envelops are are rather manly in my opinion:

 He had paper envelops inside:

 My envelops tore to pieces after the first few months- and I was tired of carrying around my wallet and the 'DAVE' wallet. I wanted it all in one.
So I set out to find one online. Nothing was there that struck my fancy or had zippers for every envelop, etc. My husband suggested I make my own. Agh! I had just...and I mean JUST started learning to, "Ashley this is called a needle" kind of learning how to sew. But I took the challenge on. And this is what I came up with:
Cut out all my pieces using various types of vinyl material so they can easily wipe off. However, my mother and I quickly learned that this material stretches and makes it a NIGHTMARE to sew. Thank you Mamma Gissel for coming to my rescue!

Sewn altogether.
I took the picture on our church foyer table- sorry if it's hard to see!

Anyways- Hope this encourages some creativity in you too! I need to make more changes and improvements but it is a start!!! :o)

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